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About Novgorod State Medical University
Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University is the largest state educational institution in the Novgorod region. Among the key management decisions, the adoption and implementation of which led to the successful position of the university in the Russian market of educational services, first of all, it is necessary to note the construction of Novgorod State University as a regional educational, scientific and innovative complex.
Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University was founded by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1993 on the basis of the two oldest universities in Veliky Novgorod - polytechnic and pedagogical, as well as playing a large role in the development of the agricultural region.
The purpose of creating NovSU was to combine a diverse experience in training specialists through basic research and training at all levels of higher, postgraduate and additional education in a wide range of natural science, humanities and other areas of science, technology and culture.
International Cooperation:
In recent years, international cooperation of Novgorod University has reached the level of strategic partnership, which is associated with the formation of a single educational space in Europe and the world. Today, NovSU cooperates on the basis of long-term contracts with 64 universities and international organizations from 22 countries of the world.
Within the framework of international exchanges, teachers, students and postgraduate students of NovSU undergo educational and scientific internships at foreign universities. The implementation of academic mobility of students and teachers is facilitated by participation in the "Erasmus Mundus: Window to European Cooperation" program, as well as the university's membership in the Association of European Universities CAMPUS EUROPAE.
Particular attention in the international activities of the university is paid to the educational and industrial practices of NovSU students abroad, as well as foreign students at Novgorod University. NovSU is becoming increasingly attractive to foreign students. Currently, about 450 foreign students from 43 countries study at NovSU in 25 areas and specialties.