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+919626281306 - India

About Yaroslavl State Medical University
Yaroslavl State Medical University (YSMU) was founded in 1944. And now it has a rich history. At present, YSMU is the big regional center of excellent quality medical education and bio-medical research. It is also the leader in medical training and post-graduation education, retraining of specialists of practical healthcare, medicine, pharmacy, and highly skilled academic staff for the central regions of Russia.
There are several faculties in YSMU, among the most important are:
General Medicine Faculty,
Pediatric Faculty,
Pharmacy Faculty,
Dentistry Faculty,
Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Social Work,
Faculty of Preparation of Highest Qualification Personnel.
At present approximately 4000 students are studying at YSMU (including foreign students). Medical training and education are conducted by 55 departments that have all the necessary equipment to provide high quality education according to available Russian and international modern standards. At YSMU, there are prepared highly qualified specialists of all local hospitals and medical institutions and professionals from other regions of Russia.
Today the staff of YSMU includes approximately 1000 employees. The academic staff of YSMU consists of more than 500 persons (instructors). Among them 400 persons have the MD & Ph.D. titles (candidates of sciences, assistant and associate professors) there are more than 100 doctors of sciences and full professors. Many of them are members of different Russian and foreign international societies and are well-known scientists and clinicians not only in Russia but all over the world.
Modern informational technologies are actively developing in YSMU. These resources are opened both for students and for faculty members, as well as there are special courses for those who wish to extend and improve their qualifications in modern informational technologies. Education is also conducted using unique university electronic education and information environment that allows to implement innovative distant educational technologies that are accessible virtually anywhere. There is a big library in YSMU with two reading halls and facilities that are equipped in terms of use of data bases and Internet resources.
YSMU have good social facilities and structure (including four hostels, sport centers, student healthcare center, Volga River summer camp, and the garden of medical plants).
Education of foreign students both on governmental (budget) and individual (contract) basis was started in YSMU since 1992, now YSMU has more than twenty-eight-year unique experience in this area. Several international programs are available for foreign students. It is important that all programs are strictly adhere to the Federal and State Educational Standards of the Russian Federation, and are based on deep routed traditions of qualified Russian education.
Now many foreign students are getting their education at YSMU. They represent approximately 30 countries (including but not limited to the citizens from Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Morocco, Greece, Tunis, Namibia, Kenya, Zambia, India, etc.).
Therefore, YSMU is a large and well-known educational, research and scientific center in the fields of fundamental sciences, clinical medicine and pharmacy. YSMU is recognized by WHO World Directory of Medical Schools. Professionals in Yaroslavl State Medical University are supporting new progressive methods and activities, and keep their reach traditions in the area of qualified education and scientific research at the same time.